Archived Crash When Uploading To Sftp Server Rating: 9,0/10 3037 reviews

Unattended daily backup of specified folders/files and upload it to your FTP server.Step by step info about what does the script exactly does.1. Creates an archive with current system date of the specified folder/files.2. Opens a ftp connection3. Browses to a particular folder on it. ' A/2010-01-10'4. Emacs rhino for mac. Puts the archive, that was created, into that folder5. Also creates a log file of this script so that you can confirm whether the script worked or not.6.

Optionally uploads the log file too on the ftp server, incase if you need to check all log files at one place itself. (In my example here its ' folder). You can also convert this bat file to an exe with freeware tools available on the Internet. Windows xp/20032. Winrar.Example: In this example I’ll backup two folders, both named projects, from C & D drive.1.Create a txt file called c:backup.txt2.Type the full path of the folders in it.

C:projects press enter D:projects. And save it.3.Create a folder named backup inside D: drive and one more folder named logs inside it. (D:backup & D:backuplogs)4.Place the backup script in the “D:backup “folder and the log script in the “D:backuplogs” folder.5. Run backupscript.bat6.Check the log file generated in the “D:backuplogs” folder. Please note you have to replace the username and password in the script with your FTP server's username and password.

This is a read-only archive of the old OpenWrt forum. The current OpenWrt forum resides at https. If you install the openssh-sftp-server package, you can securely upload and download files with FileZilla. Files over 710MB seem to crash.

FTP is great for holding documents where privacy is not critical.But backups should never be done to an FTP server.The data transfer is inefficient. It's vulnerable to privacy leaks. It's difficult to back up multiple file versions. And there's a whole host of other problems associated with FTP backup.And worst of all, most web hosts will cancel your account if you try to use your hosting account as a backup server.If you really want to hold data using your web hosting account, most providers have slightly more secure tools in their Cpanels. But still, it's no match for a dedicated backup provider or application. Dear Vaibhav,Mr jonathan has done gr8 work to transferring data using Sftp but at the last i m having bit problem.

I m able to connect to the server using.ppk file and i m able to do everything but i m not able to upload the file finallysee the output of my.bat fileDaily Test01 BackupStarting backup. Creating ZIP file.ZIP file created OK.

Dear Gajananh999,There could be only 3 reasons for this error.1. The zip file is not getting generated.2. The script is not able to determine the exact location of the zip file3. This script is not able to read the zip file.You can try replacing the file name (full path) in the script to find if the issue is due to file path not being identified.echo put '%TempZipFile%' '%RemoteFileNameStub%-01.zip' '%TempSFTPFile%'will beecho put 'D:some directoryDaily Test01 Backuptempbackup.zip' '%RemoteFileNameStub%-01.zip' '%TempSFTPFile%'i.e '%TempZipFile%' will be 'D:some directoryDaily Test01 Backuptempbackup.zip'. Gajananh999,To debug the issue.1. Delete the first line i.e '@echo off ' from the script.2.

Add 'pause' after this line 'zip.exe -r -@ '%TempZipFile%' '%TempSFTPFile%' '.Creating ZIP file. '%MyLogFile%'del '%TempZipFile%' 2 NULecho zip.exe -r -@ '%TempZipFile%' '%MyLogFile%'zip.exe -r -@ '%TempZipFile%' '%TempSFTPFile%'pauseecho ZIP file created OK.now run the script and you'll be able to find out the cause for error.Also remember to copy the zip.exe and psftp.exe files to your C:windowssystem32 folder.Also once you are done testing the script remember to undo the changes.

Its not going to help Specially when there is no support for the product. I end up restoring my windows to the previous version to make it work. Else you can export the files as html and manual upload from third party like filezilla. Or directly upload to the website directly from your hosting cpanel.If you want to have the upgrades by all means there is a way!!!open an existing website that already has your ftp information save as a copy and delete the content and start working on it from the scratch. This wont crash and will let you update the ftp information.Its annoying but only way to handle this.Lets hope Adobe Realize and relaunch the muse project.

Farru,I appreciate your comments. However they are only marginally helpful because:1. REVERT WINDOWS: As far as I can tell, Windows will only allow you to revert for a time, and then will force update you some weeks later anyway.2.

RE-USE OLDER PROJECTS WITH FTP: You already posted this suggestion, and I thank you for it. HOWEVER, while I cannot speak to your livelihood and work needs, I can tell you that being restricted to only work with existing websites/projects does not work for me. Nor would it work for anyone I know in the business. So the suggestion is of very limited value.


UNLESS, there is a way to CHANGE the FTP of that existing project, which you do not indicate. But I have tried and it crashes as well.I will say that your suggestion does shed some light on troubleshooting the problem. It indicates that if we can still upload with existing FTP settings, then it is merely something to do with the handshaking process needed when Muse first looks for the site.Either way, there was obviously a change in some file with the Win update. And if someone could narrow that file down, perhaps we can swap it out for the older version and fix this issue. I'll add to what Joe said and say my main reason is the amazing convenience it gives you. Plus the ease of use, and the efficiency of merely using one key-command and being able to 'only update changed files', and not bother updating all the unchanged files. Huge time saver with a large site.I'm sure there are ways to streamline using an external FTP tool (which I used to use and am back to Filezilla as of this morning!), but it's hard to make that as efficient.No, not the end of the world.

Not trying to blow it out of proportion. But it is sweet! Happening to me as well and here it is, October 1, 2019. Why can't someone just FIX the issue at hand instead of telling us to do something most of us don't know HOW to do! Muse is supposed to be easy and do all that work FOR us that's why we use it in the first place.I figured out how to use Filezilla to upload the files to my server (I use GoDaddy) but instead of being able to upload the changed files, I have to upload ALL the files which takes a long time.

In Muse, just the changed files were uploaded and took only a few seconds. That's one of the many reasons why Adobe should get on this problem and fix it. It seems to me that they have already just tossed us to the curb even though they said we'd have support until 2020. Here's what I did:1- Before I opened up Muse, I disconnected my router by unplugging it from my tower (on a desktop). From a laptop, just disconnect from your wifi.2- Once your are offline, open up your Muse file and click on the Publish down arrow to make sure you'll be publishing to FTP Host.3- When the dialog box comes up, enter your information. If it already has it entered for you and is correct, I would reenter the password just to make sure this is correct.4- Make sure the 'Store Credentials' box is checked.5- You should see a warning that says, 'FTP server not found.'

6- Reconnect to your router or connect to your wifi and wait until you are back online then click on 'Next.' If all your information was entered correctly, it should connect to the FTP server and you're good to go.After doing this, mine no longer crashes and works fine. I had to repeat this process on my laptop as well after completing it on my desktop.

Archived Crash When Uploading To Sftp Server Rating: 9,0/10 3037 reviews

Unattended daily backup of specified folders/files and upload it to your FTP server.Step by step info about what does the script exactly does.1. Creates an archive with current system date of the specified folder/files.2. Opens a ftp connection3. Browses to a particular folder on it. ' A/2010-01-10'4. Emacs rhino for mac. Puts the archive, that was created, into that folder5. Also creates a log file of this script so that you can confirm whether the script worked or not.6.

Optionally uploads the log file too on the ftp server, incase if you need to check all log files at one place itself. (In my example here its ' folder). You can also convert this bat file to an exe with freeware tools available on the Internet. Windows xp/20032. Winrar.Example: In this example I’ll backup two folders, both named projects, from C & D drive.1.Create a txt file called c:backup.txt2.Type the full path of the folders in it.

C:projects press enter D:projects. And save it.3.Create a folder named backup inside D: drive and one more folder named logs inside it. (D:backup & D:backuplogs)4.Place the backup script in the “D:backup “folder and the log script in the “D:backuplogs” folder.5. Run backupscript.bat6.Check the log file generated in the “D:backuplogs” folder. Please note you have to replace the username and password in the script with your FTP server's username and password.

This is a read-only archive of the old OpenWrt forum. The current OpenWrt forum resides at https. If you install the openssh-sftp-server package, you can securely upload and download files with FileZilla. Files over 710MB seem to crash.

FTP is great for holding documents where privacy is not critical.But backups should never be done to an FTP server.The data transfer is inefficient. It's vulnerable to privacy leaks. It's difficult to back up multiple file versions. And there's a whole host of other problems associated with FTP backup.And worst of all, most web hosts will cancel your account if you try to use your hosting account as a backup server.If you really want to hold data using your web hosting account, most providers have slightly more secure tools in their Cpanels. But still, it's no match for a dedicated backup provider or application. Dear Vaibhav,Mr jonathan has done gr8 work to transferring data using Sftp but at the last i m having bit problem.

I m able to connect to the server using.ppk file and i m able to do everything but i m not able to upload the file finallysee the output of my.bat fileDaily Test01 BackupStarting backup. Creating ZIP file.ZIP file created OK.

Dear Gajananh999,There could be only 3 reasons for this error.1. The zip file is not getting generated.2. The script is not able to determine the exact location of the zip file3. This script is not able to read the zip file.You can try replacing the file name (full path) in the script to find if the issue is due to file path not being identified.echo put '%TempZipFile%' '%RemoteFileNameStub%-01.zip' '%TempSFTPFile%'will beecho put 'D:some directoryDaily Test01 Backuptempbackup.zip' '%RemoteFileNameStub%-01.zip' '%TempSFTPFile%'i.e '%TempZipFile%' will be 'D:some directoryDaily Test01 Backuptempbackup.zip'. Gajananh999,To debug the issue.1. Delete the first line i.e '@echo off ' from the script.2.

Add 'pause' after this line 'zip.exe -r -@ '%TempZipFile%' '%TempSFTPFile%' '.Creating ZIP file. '%MyLogFile%'del '%TempZipFile%' 2 NULecho zip.exe -r -@ '%TempZipFile%' '%MyLogFile%'zip.exe -r -@ '%TempZipFile%' '%TempSFTPFile%'pauseecho ZIP file created OK.now run the script and you'll be able to find out the cause for error.Also remember to copy the zip.exe and psftp.exe files to your C:windowssystem32 folder.Also once you are done testing the script remember to undo the changes.

Its not going to help Specially when there is no support for the product. I end up restoring my windows to the previous version to make it work. Else you can export the files as html and manual upload from third party like filezilla. Or directly upload to the website directly from your hosting cpanel.If you want to have the upgrades by all means there is a way!!!open an existing website that already has your ftp information save as a copy and delete the content and start working on it from the scratch. This wont crash and will let you update the ftp information.Its annoying but only way to handle this.Lets hope Adobe Realize and relaunch the muse project.

Farru,I appreciate your comments. However they are only marginally helpful because:1. REVERT WINDOWS: As far as I can tell, Windows will only allow you to revert for a time, and then will force update you some weeks later anyway.2.

RE-USE OLDER PROJECTS WITH FTP: You already posted this suggestion, and I thank you for it. HOWEVER, while I cannot speak to your livelihood and work needs, I can tell you that being restricted to only work with existing websites/projects does not work for me. Nor would it work for anyone I know in the business. So the suggestion is of very limited value.


UNLESS, there is a way to CHANGE the FTP of that existing project, which you do not indicate. But I have tried and it crashes as well.I will say that your suggestion does shed some light on troubleshooting the problem. It indicates that if we can still upload with existing FTP settings, then it is merely something to do with the handshaking process needed when Muse first looks for the site.Either way, there was obviously a change in some file with the Win update. And if someone could narrow that file down, perhaps we can swap it out for the older version and fix this issue. I'll add to what Joe said and say my main reason is the amazing convenience it gives you. Plus the ease of use, and the efficiency of merely using one key-command and being able to 'only update changed files', and not bother updating all the unchanged files. Huge time saver with a large site.I'm sure there are ways to streamline using an external FTP tool (which I used to use and am back to Filezilla as of this morning!), but it's hard to make that as efficient.No, not the end of the world.

Not trying to blow it out of proportion. But it is sweet! Happening to me as well and here it is, October 1, 2019. Why can't someone just FIX the issue at hand instead of telling us to do something most of us don't know HOW to do! Muse is supposed to be easy and do all that work FOR us that's why we use it in the first place.I figured out how to use Filezilla to upload the files to my server (I use GoDaddy) but instead of being able to upload the changed files, I have to upload ALL the files which takes a long time.

In Muse, just the changed files were uploaded and took only a few seconds. That's one of the many reasons why Adobe should get on this problem and fix it. It seems to me that they have already just tossed us to the curb even though they said we'd have support until 2020. Here's what I did:1- Before I opened up Muse, I disconnected my router by unplugging it from my tower (on a desktop). From a laptop, just disconnect from your wifi.2- Once your are offline, open up your Muse file and click on the Publish down arrow to make sure you'll be publishing to FTP Host.3- When the dialog box comes up, enter your information. If it already has it entered for you and is correct, I would reenter the password just to make sure this is correct.4- Make sure the 'Store Credentials' box is checked.5- You should see a warning that says, 'FTP server not found.'

6- Reconnect to your router or connect to your wifi and wait until you are back online then click on 'Next.' If all your information was entered correctly, it should connect to the FTP server and you're good to go.After doing this, mine no longer crashes and works fine. I had to repeat this process on my laptop as well after completing it on my desktop.